The life of any online business is traffic. Without traffic, no matter how good is your site or blog it will not produce any incomes. One of the best recources which will teach you how to build traffic to your online projects is Traffic Ultimatum by George Brown.
What Traffic Ultimatum is? and What it can do for you?
Traffic Ultimatum is a complete, no holds barred course on all the ways George drives traffic to his 7 figures online business.
1. Through over 9 hours of video, over 300 pages of written instructions (including process maps, diagrams, the works);
2. George will walk you through every step to show how to get traffic from every method.
3. From Articles, Video Marketing, Viral Marketing, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Adwords, Pay per View, Media Buys, Search Engine Optimization, JV marketing and others.
All the information is presented in step by step, easy to follow way.
The aim of the course is simple: For you, as a customer, internet marketer, online entrepreneur to be able to go through it, copy and adapt to your business and never have to worry about "getting traffic" ever again.
The course is not small in length because it covers a very important issue for any online business and that is the traffic. The course is designed to be as easy as possible to be followed. It is also very important to apply what you will learn because only this way you will monetize the know-how.
At the beginning of the course you will learn the simple and free techniques and you will move after in the advanced area.
Please take into consideration the following facts:
1. Traffic is the key to success;
2. Traffic = Money;
3. The Traffic to any website is the hardest thing to get;
To be able to get this awesome course, Click Here!
To your online success,
The Staff at
duminică, 21 martie 2010
duminică, 14 martie 2010
Linkedin passed the 60 million users milestone

Linkedin, the biggest social network for professionals welcomed the user registered with the number 60 million in february this year. The 55 million milestone was passed in the middle of December, 2009 which showed a massive growth of the network in the timetable considered.
If you are a professional in any domain of activity and don't use this social network you should reconsider and start an account. You can network, exchange info, data and news with professionals having the same interests as you have and even you can grow your business by searching new partners, suppliers and customers.
Also you can join groups of professionals from the same industry as you and share with them on a daily or weekly basis the info you consider relevant.
This social network is also known for the effective HR fulfillments. You can post job inquirements to enlarge your stuff or employ people project based. Also if you are an independent contractor you can look for jobs or to offer your services to a worldwide base of potential clients.
The potential is global because I don't think there is a state in this world without at least a member registered.
The user with the mark 60 million is a dutch person from Groningen Area.
linkedin 60 million users,
linkedin marketing
How can Mapquest help your business?

If you run a local business you want to be found easier by your potential customers. Map Quest is a service of AOL which focuses on local searches and it launched this year a new geosearch engine.
This new engine is very powerful and can be a great resource for any business acting on a local level. For example, if a user obtains a map of a hotel where will spend some time in the future will also look for entertainment in the area - restaurants, pubs, clubs.
To understand the importance of using such a tool for driving targeted traffic, it is used by 40 million unique monthly visitors this comparing with Bing which has 50 million users in the same timetable.
The new search engine provides to the users details like: business name, phone, url, working hours, user reviews, ratings and pictures.
Also companies may submit detail changes like the phone number, e-mail address, new addresses (of course!), url and contact person information.
As a market trend, all the major serach engines started to pay a special attention to the local searches because this is considered and extremely lucrative business line both by the search engines and advertisers.
Of course, having in mind the development of the internet where the online shopping rules you may consider that local search can be obsolete. But you are wrong. Think how important is to find the nearest dentist or notary for example!
This is not seen like a primary resource to drive traffic to a website but also can be taken in consideration as an additional and valuable resource. This is seen this way because usually the searches are made by people needing to solve a problem or to buy an item very fast.
local searches,
use mapquest
Make Money with your own people Search Engine
Tissa Talking About His Program
Earn Affiliate Commissions from 12 Income streams:
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We are in this programme, and our website is: If you are interested is starting a great business online, please click here to get your free people search engine.
Earn Affiliate Commissions from 12 Income streams:
•FACt: 30% of All Searches on Google and Yahoo are People Search Related –and Growing.
•Meet the Demand in This Exploding Niche With Your OWN Automated People Search Engine!
•Earn Affiliate Commissions from 12 Independent Affiliate Programs Rolled into One Program!
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•FREE Advertising of Your Search Engine for 24 Hours After You Complete Three Easy Steps!
•A gauranteed bonus of $125 After You Earn $75 (Your Incentive to LEARN how to Earn!)
•Personal Support from Tissa Goda Vitarne and a community of successful and helpful users!
•NOT Another "Free Money!" Program: Expect to Invest at Least $10 in Your New BUSINESS!
•69,904 ACME People Search Affiliates Can't Be Wrong: Start YOUR New Business today
We are in this programme, and our website is: If you are interested is starting a great business online, please click here to get your free people search engine.
My 'Photo Reading' Experience
Photo reading is a revolutionary technique which allow almost any of us to "photo read" the printed page at rates exceeding a page per second. This technique changed for me for the rest of my life the way of reading.
Photo reading is a special technique promoted by Learning Strategies, a corporation with headquarters in Minneapolis, US. It helps you to manage huge quantities of written documents quickly and effective . This technique changed for me for the rest of my life the way of reading.
If you have tons of articles, books, e-mails, website pages to read in a short amount of time and you can't keep track with the amount of information you have in hand, maybe this article can be of interest with you.
I did this training a few weeks back having in mind that I needed a rapid solution to upgrade myself with the speed of processing the huge amount of information that I have to read on a daily basis to be able to maintain my competitive advantages in business. What I can tell you is that this technique is ... amazing.
Imagine that you take a book of 300 pages and the steps are: prepare it (unfold the pages and enable the air to come through them), preview it (a few minutes), photoread it (at a speed of 1 page / sec.), postview it (around 15 minutes for this kind of book) and activate it, after 20 minutes, 24 hours or whenever you want. Depending of the level of depth you want to achieve with the book, the activation can take between 30 minutes and 1 - 2 hours or more.
Besides the Photo Reading technique you learn tips and tricks which will change forever the way you read or process information. Practically, when you photoread, the book goes as a file download in the unconscious mind and through activation it becomes available in the conscious mind. There isn't any hidden catch in this technique, it is just a new way of using the resources of the mind we all have at disposal. The biggest advantage, even bigger than the speed is the fact that you are able to retain much information than through usual reading and also you can understand better what's in there.
I believe that this period of crisis is a turn into this world's evolution and the best investment ever is to reinvent yourself. I don't believe in training yourself without a purpose but I believe in gaining new skills through training and start applying immediatly. The photo reading technique requires a certain mindset to be obtain for optimum results and I strictly recommend to do this training under specialized supervision.
Paul R. Scheele, co-founder of Learning Strategies guides people to achieve extraordinary results in relationships, work, money and health. He is the developer of programs such Photo reading, Natural Brilliance, Genius Code, Abundance for Life, the Paraliminals, any many other courses which enable attendants to boost personal and professional success. We, as regular human beings use by default 10% of our brain. Paul is one of the gifted persons which can teach how to manage the rest of 90%. His background starts with degrees in Biology and continues with Learning and Human Development, NLP (neuro-liguistic programming), accelerated learning, preconscious processing and universal energy. Paul's programs bring to the surface the vast potential of the mind to attain more success in life.
Photo Reading is one of the best selling courses in the US.
Photo reading is a special technique promoted by Learning Strategies, a corporation with headquarters in Minneapolis, US. It helps you to manage huge quantities of written documents quickly and effective . This technique changed for me for the rest of my life the way of reading.
If you have tons of articles, books, e-mails, website pages to read in a short amount of time and you can't keep track with the amount of information you have in hand, maybe this article can be of interest with you.
I did this training a few weeks back having in mind that I needed a rapid solution to upgrade myself with the speed of processing the huge amount of information that I have to read on a daily basis to be able to maintain my competitive advantages in business. What I can tell you is that this technique is ... amazing.
Imagine that you take a book of 300 pages and the steps are: prepare it (unfold the pages and enable the air to come through them), preview it (a few minutes), photoread it (at a speed of 1 page / sec.), postview it (around 15 minutes for this kind of book) and activate it, after 20 minutes, 24 hours or whenever you want. Depending of the level of depth you want to achieve with the book, the activation can take between 30 minutes and 1 - 2 hours or more.
Besides the Photo Reading technique you learn tips and tricks which will change forever the way you read or process information. Practically, when you photoread, the book goes as a file download in the unconscious mind and through activation it becomes available in the conscious mind. There isn't any hidden catch in this technique, it is just a new way of using the resources of the mind we all have at disposal. The biggest advantage, even bigger than the speed is the fact that you are able to retain much information than through usual reading and also you can understand better what's in there.
I believe that this period of crisis is a turn into this world's evolution and the best investment ever is to reinvent yourself. I don't believe in training yourself without a purpose but I believe in gaining new skills through training and start applying immediatly. The photo reading technique requires a certain mindset to be obtain for optimum results and I strictly recommend to do this training under specialized supervision.
Paul R. Scheele, co-founder of Learning Strategies guides people to achieve extraordinary results in relationships, work, money and health. He is the developer of programs such Photo reading, Natural Brilliance, Genius Code, Abundance for Life, the Paraliminals, any many other courses which enable attendants to boost personal and professional success. We, as regular human beings use by default 10% of our brain. Paul is one of the gifted persons which can teach how to manage the rest of 90%. His background starts with degrees in Biology and continues with Learning and Human Development, NLP (neuro-liguistic programming), accelerated learning, preconscious processing and universal energy. Paul's programs bring to the surface the vast potential of the mind to attain more success in life.
Photo Reading is one of the best selling courses in the US.
Learning Strategies,
Paul R. Scheele,
Photo Reading
11 Ways to Promote Your Facebook Page to Get Great Results
You can figure yourself that Facebook represents a huge and tremendous source fo traffic. Most of your friends, business partners, potential friends and clients are already there or will be in the nearest future. The social networking is also accessible on mobile devices so it is always there!
A Facebook page will not only help you gain more traffic for your website, blog or both but will also gain more credibility for you and the brand you represent.
Basically, this social network has more that 400 million users and in average, everyone of them spends 55 per day connected. Also the average user has 130 friends and fans 2 pages per month. Also the Fan Box is becoming more pervasive. If you feel that the page you built to promote something like a product or an idea using this social network doesn't perform, don't delete it because there are ways to make it better!
A recent study by Sysomos conducted on 600,000 pages showed that 4% have more than 10,000 fans and 0.76% more than 100,000 fans. Also the study revealed a small correlation between how frequently the admin of the page updates the contant and total number of fans. This doesn't mean that an empty page will attract fans, so you have to do some work anyway. Besides Wall posts you have to add photos, videos, links and other content. Also be as informative as possible.
Such a page can be a very good asset for your online business if you do it and promote it properly.
Where can you promote it?
1. A link or badge on your website
2. Fan Box
3. Resource Box on articles/blog
4. Email newsletters
5. Include a link in your profile from other social networks
6. Google Buzz profile
7. Include it in your business card
8. Signage
9. Email Signatures
10. Adverstisements
11. Forum posts signature
Also please pay attention of your Facebook analytics and stats. Also observe the best pages in your domain and inspire yourself. But also be creative, don't just copy.
- Participate and make it routine
- Ask questions
- Host events on your page
- Highlight contributions from others
- Go beyond just text
- Integrate your other online presences
- Take it easy with apps, boxes, etc.
- Run offline events, if you can
One thing you want to do is pay attention to your Facebook analytics. Pay attention to stats. Pay attention to changes Facebook makes in this area. For example, recently it was discovered that some admins were starting to see impression counts for each post, as well as the number of likes and comments for each impression. Like Baer says, test content types to see what works best.
Social Networkig is the biggest wave in the history of internet. If you have an online business you have to leverage the power of Free Traffic from Social Networks.
A Facebook page will not only help you gain more traffic for your website, blog or both but will also gain more credibility for you and the brand you represent.
Basically, this social network has more that 400 million users and in average, everyone of them spends 55 per day connected. Also the average user has 130 friends and fans 2 pages per month. Also the Fan Box is becoming more pervasive. If you feel that the page you built to promote something like a product or an idea using this social network doesn't perform, don't delete it because there are ways to make it better!
A recent study by Sysomos conducted on 600,000 pages showed that 4% have more than 10,000 fans and 0.76% more than 100,000 fans. Also the study revealed a small correlation between how frequently the admin of the page updates the contant and total number of fans. This doesn't mean that an empty page will attract fans, so you have to do some work anyway. Besides Wall posts you have to add photos, videos, links and other content. Also be as informative as possible.
Such a page can be a very good asset for your online business if you do it and promote it properly.
Where can you promote it?
1. A link or badge on your website
2. Fan Box
3. Resource Box on articles/blog
4. Email newsletters
5. Include a link in your profile from other social networks
6. Google Buzz profile
7. Include it in your business card
8. Signage
9. Email Signatures
10. Adverstisements
11. Forum posts signature
Also please pay attention of your Facebook analytics and stats. Also observe the best pages in your domain and inspire yourself. But also be creative, don't just copy.
- Participate and make it routine
- Ask questions
- Host events on your page
- Highlight contributions from others
- Go beyond just text
- Integrate your other online presences
- Take it easy with apps, boxes, etc.
- Run offline events, if you can
One thing you want to do is pay attention to your Facebook analytics. Pay attention to stats. Pay attention to changes Facebook makes in this area. For example, recently it was discovered that some admins were starting to see impression counts for each post, as well as the number of likes and comments for each impression. Like Baer says, test content types to see what works best.
Social Networkig is the biggest wave in the history of internet. If you have an online business you have to leverage the power of Free Traffic from Social Networks.
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