joi, 16 septembrie 2010
duminică, 25 iulie 2010
The Hundred Thousand Dollar Dentist Visit: Money From Viral
Just over a year later the Dad has a thriving internet business off the back of one video shot on a camera phone. True story.
Who are these people? Where did they come from? What was the dad’s motive for filming his son in this state? And how did this translate into a hundred thousand dollar money-making marketing venture?! Let’s find out.
First, somewhat confusingly, father and son have the same name: David DeVore. So, from this point on, we’ll call them David Sr and David Jr. The DeVore’s are from Orlando, Florida and David Sr’s line of work revolved around real estate.
What was the inspiration?
David Jr had been suffering from hyperdontia- the presence of an extra tooth. David Sr filmed the footage to reassure his wife (who was involved in a meeting) that the dental procedure had gone to plan and there was no reason to be unduly concerned. He posted his findings (to his friends’ amusement) on Facebook, and then later on YouTube. His. Very. First. Post.
Alcohol Advertising Heading For The Gutter?

Fosters.Smirnoff. Budweiser. Pimms. Guinness.Bailey’s. You know the brands, you know the ads and you probably know what some (most?) of them taste like too. But you may need to savour that (hazy?) memory if the people at the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) have their way.
NICE, an independent advisory group to the NHS, published a 100-page report on Wednesday issuing recommendations that they believe will help reverse Britain’s underage and binge drinking culture- including a total ban of all UK alcohol advertising and a steep increase on the prices of all alcoholic beverages.
According to Professor Ian Gilmore, the President of the Royal College of Physicians and Chair of the Alcohol Health Alliance UK, the NHS are reportedly paying an annual bill of £2.7billion for the treatment of alcohol-related illness.
Furthermore, Britain’s heavy drinking culture has been the leading cause of death for nearly 15,000 citizens each year, as well as up to 1.2million violent alcohol-induced incidents.
“There is clear evidence from around the world that we are drinking much more than most other developed countries and the problem is apparent right across society- not just with our teenagers or with binge-drinking,” said Professor Eileen Kaner, Chief of the NICE Guidance Development group linked to the case.
“We are constantly surrounded by various images of and opportunities to buy alcohol, from promotional offers in supermarkets, to advertisements in the media. This encourages us to drink more than we otherwise would, sometimes without us even realising it.”
NICE’s recommendations regarding advertising and marketing of alcohol include:
- Ensuring the limits set by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) are appropriate for the proportion of the audience under age 18
- Providing adequate protection for children and young people where alcohol advertising is permitted
- Constructing a stringent regulatory system to cover all alcohol marketing, particularly when it involves new media (for example, web-based channels and mobile phones) and product placement.
- Ofcom, the ASA and the government should keep the current regulatory structure under review.
- Assessing the potential costs and benefits of a complete alcohol advertising ban to protect children and young people from exposure to alcohol marketing.
This has sparked a widespread debate in the alcohol, marketing and advertising industries as to the validity of NICE’S argument. Is there enough evidence to suggest that a steep rise in alcohol prices will cause a drop in drinking rates? Would a reduction/outright ban of advertising and promotional tools really stave off Britain’s thirst for the booze?
Not at all, according to Ian Twinn, director of public affairs at ISBA, who believes NICE failed to consult with the advertising industry throughout their study and that their report overlooked legislations which are already in place to restrict drunken behaviour. “It is making claims that are not borne out by the facts,” Twinn said.
He continued: “Banning advertising is not going to stop people from eating and drinking too much. We need to use advertising as a positive force.”
Britain has been here before of course. Replace the words ‘alcohol’ with ‘smoking’, and reminisce back to a time known as the mid 1980’s and 1990’s. By 1986, television adverts were censored from showing a person actually smoking and by the mid 1990’s, corner shops, newsagents and off licenses were forced to remove cigarette branding from their front-of-shop displays.
And after the Labour government took power in 1997, a pledge to crack down on smoking advertising was eventually enforced (in stages) from 2003-2005. But are these strategies really comparable?
British pubs, bars and hospitality trades have already felt the squeeze after the UK smoking ban in public indoor areas, with the pubs being the greatest victim to the harsh economic conditions. While there are various issues at work here, the smoking ban has undoubtedly been a contributing factor. What would a price rise in alcohol achieve?
The poor might resort to brewing a slightly more ‘special’ of special brews, but a more likely scenario could be a rise in crime, as the most desperate drinkers attempt to get their hands on the base rate booze. Hardly an improvement.
So are we about to witness a cataclysmic moment for these trades and industries anytime soon? Probably not. The new coalition Government has said it will stop supermarkets from selling alcohol below cost price but they have made no further promises beyond that.
Health Secretary, Andrew Lansley, said: “Regarding NICE’s recommendations… it is not clear that the research examines specifically the regressive effect on low income families, or proves conclusively that it is the best way to impact price in order to impact demand.”
He continued: “The root causes of social problems lie not just in Government policies – although 24-hour drinking legislation has severely undermined clinician and police efforts to get to grips with this problem – but in social norms and peer influence.”
This would indicate a return to depression-era 1930’s American prohibition to still be very much a long shot. Let’s embrace it! If the sun’s a-shining like it is in London today (it’s 27 degrees!), take advantage of the slightly over-expensive drinks prices and enjoy your Friday evening! Just like the British summer, these prices are unlikely to last forever. Source:
5 Secrets to Successful Crowdsourcing
Crowdsourcing is the latest Web buzzword – it can also be as confusing as a tuk-tuk ride through Bangkok. Handle Crowdsourcing with care.
An increasing number of businesses are turning to Crowdsourcing to drive more efficient ideation, innovation and marketing. Not to mention Crowdsourcing as a next generation outsourcing/partnersourcing model. But how do you make it work?
Here are 5 secrets to successful Crowdsoursing:
1. Leadership – a crowd needs a strong leader and a clear, inspiring mission. Crowds form for a reason – not just for the hell of it!
2. A gaggle is not a crowd – until your crowd is at least 1,000 strong it will produce ad hoc results
3. Mixed, Generic crowds generally fail – focused, motivated and specialist crowds yield the best results – break any of these 3 rules at your peril
4. Building sustainable crowds – A sustainable crowd needs a win win model and to be treated with respect at all times. Overly competitive, dog eat dog Crowdsourcing models are bubbles waiting to burst. The Web equivalent of talent sweatshops. Use competition-only Crowdsourcing with care
5. Crowds are free – Crowdsourcing is not social networking or a stand alone Web community – you do not charge the Crowd for anything. You reward them – period.
Crowdsourcing has rapidly shifted from Web trend to a core business process innovation like outsourcing or internal marketing. An increasing number of businesses, large and small, are adopting it. And a crop of specialist Crowdsourcing start-ups are leading the way.
There is much to figure out. The Crowdsourcing movement has just begun. But it can change the way businesses and governments organize and create a more democratic, open environment for change. Let’s hope.
miercuri, 9 iunie 2010
Clubv3 Announces Strategic Alliance with Green Leaf Film Studios
Douglas, Isle of Man and
Isle of Man-based social network games and media specialist, Clubv3, has announced a far-reaching strategic alliance with Chengdu-based Chinese film studios, Green Leaf Film Studios.
The two companies are working together on the creation of social network games based on Green Leaf's TV and film properties for Western and Asian social networks, including the likes of Facebook, MySpace, Netlog, Mixi, RenRen, QQ, Orkut and Hi5. Development is already underway on a number of initial products based on Clubv3's platform.
Green Leaf is further providing Clubv3 with access to its team of artists in
Clubv3 is run by a management team with extensive video games and casual games experience. The company has grown rapidly in the two months since formation, with a team of social network games specialists based in the Isle of Man,
Green Leaf is a Chinese Film & TV Studio, set up by film industry specialists. The company is the world-wide partner for Terry Deary, one of the highest selling modern children's authors with his “Horrible Histories” series broadcast on the BBC, and is currently marketing a 26 part series entitled “Terry Deary's True Time Tales” amongst a vast stable of projects and brands.
“The expertise at Clubv3 makes them a natural partner for a company such as ours with intellectual property to take to the world of social networks, both to build the profile of our TV and film brands, as well generating additional revenues and fans for our franchises across the world in this exciting new market”, said Jean Sebastien Laurenson, Sales Director at Green Leaf Film Studios.
“Working with Green Leaf gives us access to a vast array of content properties to work with, as well as access to the vast Chinese marketplace of 1.2 billion+ social gamers. The virtual goods market in Asia was at US$5bn (2008) and US$7bn (2009) and will increase in 2010” added Dominic Mason, Director at Clubv3, “Our technical expertise in bringing these properties to social gamers and creating compelling products will allow Green Leaf to reach a large audience.”
All followers of Clubv3 on Facebook ( and Twitter ( receive regular updates on the company's progress as well as exclusive access to and gifts within the company's latest product releases: be the first to know and get something to show!
ABOUT CLUBV3 – Club V3 Ltd is based in Douglas, Isle of Man (
ABOUT GREEN LEAF FILM STUDIOS – Green Leaf Film Studios is a Film, TV and Animation studio based in
marți, 1 iunie 2010
The Social Networks Games Company Clubv3 prepares for the launch of the initial line-up of games for Facebook

Isle of Man-based clubv3 is a new social network games company founded by veterans of the video games industry, concentrating on making top quality and branded games for social networks, such as Facebook and Hi5.
With over thirty years’ experience making video games between the company’s two directors, clubv3 has a wealth of experience in making mass-market appeal games, integrating brands and localising products for multiple languages and territories.
Clubv3 has a complete system in place for social network games with an integrated micro-transaction system, full 3D avatar system and a highly flexible and dynamic development system, allowing long-lasting playability and adaptability of games.
“After initially developing and integrating our various technology platforms, we have started working on the initial line-up of games which will be going live from June on Facebook,” stated Dominic Mason, Director of clubv3. “Thanks to our platform-led development approach we can bring products to market quickly and effectively. This allows us to concentrate on ensuring the design effectivly in attracts players and is easy to adapt and expand after launch.”
Clubv3 is working on its own product line-up as well as working as a third party developer on a number of high profile products. The company has a consultative approach allowing partners to benefit from very high value team and rapid development time ? critical for bringing products to market rapidly.
Fellow director Richard M Holmes added “Clubv3's management and development team have vast experience in handling brand integration and brand promotions within the games segment on an international level. The opportunity offered to brands as well as license properties on Facebook and other social network platforms is huge. At clubv3 we are looking forward to bringing our wealth of experience to social network games.”
For additional information on clubv3, in-depth information on its technology and its upcoming range of products, please email Clubv3′s website is live at
ABOUT CLUBV3 ? Club v3 Ltd is based in Douglas, Isle of Man. Clubv3 develops for all the major social networks.
sâmbătă, 22 mai 2010
Curs Open Social Media pentru companii 21 mai 2010 - slide-uri
Mai multe detalii despre Cursurile Open Social Media pentru Companii si cele in house, personalizate, aici.
vineri, 14 mai 2010
Advertiser vs Consumer: How can we bring the love back?
Is the relationship between advertisers and consumers hitting a rough patch? As any good marriage counselor will tell you the root to a good marriage is communication, communication, communication.
With the introduction of Web 2.0 and social media, we have entered an age where the old methods traditionally used to define and place consumers in the appropriate demographic is increasingly becoming obsolete.The introduction of newer technologies has seen the well known ‘tick-a- box consumer’ of old evolve into a more sophisticated, computer savvy demanding breed .
Consequently, the use of these technologies has had a dramatic effect on how advertisers and audiences interact with one another. An effect, which we as advertisers need to take on board. We need to start opening dialogues with our consumer. This is because if there is little or no satisfaction, the’new breed’ will be direct in telling us so and will more often than not give us suggestions for improvement,on both our products and absolutely on our ability to communicate. We need to make sure there is an open forum where conversation is possible. Either that or face an unhappy crowd that’ll leave us high and dry in this big old cyber world.
It is no longer enough to know the consumer, we need to dialogue with them.
So how do we get to know them beyond the old tick box -- age, sex and location…and bring the love back?
Guest post by
joi, 13 mai 2010
Australians are the most active social media users
Other statistics were as follows: (H:M:S)
Australia – (6:52:28)
United States -(6:09:13)
United Kingdom – (6:07:54)
Italy – (6:00:07)
Spain – (5:30:55)
Brazil – (4:33:10)
Germany – (4:11:45)
France – (4:04:39)
Switzerland – (3:54:34)
Japan – (2:50:21)
So, why exactly are Australians slightly more atuned to social media than us? Ross Dawson gives us a fantastic insight. He introduces us to famous Australian culture, known as ‘tall poppy’ syndrome, where one’s opinions are dying to unleash, stand tall and be shouted out.
With the emergence and growth of social media, these stand out opinions are allowed to blend in with the soul purpose of social media in the first place; getting your voice out and heard. Twitter has also been most favoured by Australians since reports have shown that Sydney is one of the lead twittering cities.
With further explanation in his report, Dawson’s report is definately worth a peek.
miercuri, 12 mai 2010
Social Media Framework
Social media framework aids comprehension of workflow experiences by describing their components, it also optimizes social media workflow in an easier way since a framework may include components that are applicable to them all.
Why is it crucial that we care about this? Simply because badly designed processes lead to the slow and inefficient response of your audience, ineffective communication, wasted time, disappointing experiences and poor degree of engagement. (Not to mention driving yourself to nowhere) Here is how I do it:
Word Sharing: Share news resources, tools, best practices, tips and guides through social bookmarking platforms.
Twitter: Use it heavily for different purposes such as, RT useful links, WOM, spread the news, share insights with professionals, learn what is hot now, real-time conversations, gain more affluence and traffic in your social networking platforms, support interesting initiatives, building an outstanding reputation being taken into account in the field I work on, promote your blog, look for trends topics, getting ideas and enlightening tips from brilliant people.
Your effort and sacrifice deserves being showed and shared for the benefit of others: Posting papers, concepts, frameworks, reports, projects, strategies, marketing plans or campaigns I’ve developed, so the job people can get insights from them.
Knowledge don’t belongs to you nor me, but to the universe: Spread what you know, share what others shared with you, teach what you’re good at, learn from everybody, write about how you put in practice these campaigns or explain how you reached that conclusion, which made you successful, but above all, quote your resources!
LinkedIn: Use it insistently for giving and receiving feedback, reading interesting posts, and comment on them. Find your key connections and engage with them, share ideas in the groups discussions, also participating in Q&A (either giving advice or receiving it). This should increase your visibility and it will improve the chances of being contacted.
Facebook: Aim it to talk and engage with your friends. Create lists, giving a different degree of permission to your crowd and segmenting the information according to the content you usually share with them.
The Wave: Use Google Wave for collaborative tasks, developing projects, exchanging ideas, brainstorming, conceptualizing campaigns and seeing how others can enhance your work.
Timing: Your blog, Do you love it? No? You must, because it’s the place where all your efforts, time, money and even romantic relationships are going to end up. All you do on Social Media has being meaningful to your blog. If not, I suggest you may want to reconsider your strategy. Give him a personality, a sense of humor, a purpose, a regularity, a bottle of Möet if he wants it and you’ll have your reason to give the very best of yourself in this URL.
Managing and optimizing: It is essential to define your strategy, set your goals and to monitor your results but, it is vital not to be overwhelmed by its magnitude. Hence, write down every procedure, pattern or system you follow to implement your social media workflow and start developing a schedule with all the tasks you performs every day, together with the time spent, the activities, the allowance, restrictions, and of course, deviations.
Plan for failure: If it doesn’t work, try changing and adjusting things to your needs. I know how it works to me, for you instead it can be slightly different. Be aware that you need to have hundred of bad ideas to have 1 or 2 great ideas. Do you get the idea?
Guest post @Israel Garcia
vineri, 30 aprilie 2010
How Search Work

You see it and use it multiple times throughout the day, but do you know how it works?
Surprisingly, many webmasters severely lack knowledge about one of the most important aspects of the internet - the search engines! We all know they exist, we know people use them, and we know that they drive traffic to our websites. But few people actually carry an understanding about how they work. If you can educate yourself about the way search engines function, you'll be more capable of optimizing your site properly. Search engines send automated "bots" to "crawl" the web through hyperlinks.
Without external hyperlinks to your website, the bots really have no way of finding your website. It's still possible that they'll discover your site eventually, but without some kind of effort on your part, it may be unlikely. Only about half of the existing pages on the internet have been crawled by the search engines, if that gives you any indication of the importance of backlinks.
Once the bots crawl your website, it becomes indexed in a huge database along with all the other indexed pages on the internet.
There are literally billions of pages stored in this database. Yet, as you've probably noticed, it takes barely a second or two to get results after performing a search.
When searches are made, the engine quickly scans through relevant documents and provides results based on the most accurate possible matches.
Generally a match is determined by the presence of that particular keyword on the webpage. Thus, on-page optimization is extremely important. Google and the other search engines will provide differing results depending on whether you type the phrase as-is (purple umbrellas), in quotes ("purple umbrellas"), with the + symbol (purple + umbrellas), or other variations. After the SE has found matches for the search query, a special algorithm scans each of the results to determine relevance to the keyword phrase. Results are provided to the user in order from most relevant to least relevant. So what can you learn from this information? A few things:
1. Your page must be relevant to the search term (listing the keyword several times throughout the course of the website, on-site optimization)
2. You need external hyperlinks (backlinks) pointing to your website to act as a "gateway" for the bots to access your site. As far as relevance goes, Google and the other search engines take all of these into consideration:
a. On-site optimization
b. Age of the domain (the older the better)
c. Page Rank (PR)
d. Alexa ranking (the 'popularity' of your website based on the amount of traffic it gets)
e. Number of backlinks, particularly from high PR authority websites that are related to your website (if you have a blog about real estate, a high PR link from a real estate website will be more valuable than a high PR link from a website about dog grooming)
f. Linking structure of the website (easy navigation)
So looking at all of these factors, you can see why would take the #1 spot for "buy books" rather than your three-week-old Blogger blog with 4 backlinks.
The article comes from an ebook - SEO for Busy Marketers is an ebook which can be found here.
joi, 22 aprilie 2010
The Facebook history
Facebook, or TheFaceBook as it was called at the beginning was launched in 4th of February, 2004.
Mark Zuckerberg, a Harvard University student started the site as a way for his fellow students from Harvard to get to know each other. At that time, the site was opened only for certain students and it wasn’t perceived as a business even it has funds at disposal. Mark saw this website as an alternative to spend more wisely the time after school. Mark was still in the school when the site started to grow at an incredible rate. As to discuss the initial funders, they received money from individuals like Peter Theil, Accel Partners, Greylock partners and from the advertising deals with Microsoft and iTunes.
The students which were members started to recommend Facebook to other students and the fellows from other universities started to have possibility to join the site. Until 2006, Facebook was not open to the public.
After the site was live for a period, Mark brought for helping to grow the site Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. A fem months later, Zuckerberg and Moskovitz dropped Harvard to concentrate on growing Facebook. Facebook, as we know it today was started in August 2005 when the company bought the domain with 200,000 USD from a company called About Face.
In 2006 we find Facebook facing a tremendous growth. Many more school, universities and businesses started to be part of the network. Starting with September 2006, anyone above 13 years old is eligible to have an account on Facebook. Being part of na network wasn’t a requirement anymore.
In March 2006 there were rumours about a potential acquisition of Facebook by Google. They made an offer for 750 million USD but the Facebook management dropped it because they thought of 2 billion USD.
Microsoft was also on the short list of potential acquisitors, but in the end they just bought 1,5% from shares and started a huge advertising contract with Facebook.
When things started to look tremendous, ConnectU, another Harvard based social networking site claimed that the founder of Facebook stole some of the codes from their software. In the end, the lawsuit was dropped and Facebook started to move forward.
The idea of community was at the base right from the beginning and it is also now, even if the
site is much, much bigger. All players, the developers, personal users and business users understood how important is to keep the spirit of community alive both for Facebook success and their own.
The Facebook team is very interested to make their community happy and that’s why they add new features all the time and if they identify new needs from customers, to fulfill them.This web 2.0 site is a great resource for your social media marketing efforts so include it in your marketing weapons.
duminică, 21 martie 2010
George Brown's Traffic Ultimatum - The Only Course You'll Need on Traffic
What Traffic Ultimatum is? and What it can do for you?
Traffic Ultimatum is a complete, no holds barred course on all the ways George drives traffic to his 7 figures online business.
1. Through over 9 hours of video, over 300 pages of written instructions (including process maps, diagrams, the works);
2. George will walk you through every step to show how to get traffic from every method.
3. From Articles, Video Marketing, Viral Marketing, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Adwords, Pay per View, Media Buys, Search Engine Optimization, JV marketing and others.
All the information is presented in step by step, easy to follow way.
The aim of the course is simple: For you, as a customer, internet marketer, online entrepreneur to be able to go through it, copy and adapt to your business and never have to worry about "getting traffic" ever again.
The course is not small in length because it covers a very important issue for any online business and that is the traffic. The course is designed to be as easy as possible to be followed. It is also very important to apply what you will learn because only this way you will monetize the know-how.
At the beginning of the course you will learn the simple and free techniques and you will move after in the advanced area.
Please take into consideration the following facts:
1. Traffic is the key to success;
2. Traffic = Money;
3. The Traffic to any website is the hardest thing to get;
To be able to get this awesome course, Click Here!
To your online success,
The Staff at
duminică, 14 martie 2010
Linkedin passed the 60 million users milestone

Linkedin, the biggest social network for professionals welcomed the user registered with the number 60 million in february this year. The 55 million milestone was passed in the middle of December, 2009 which showed a massive growth of the network in the timetable considered.
If you are a professional in any domain of activity and don't use this social network you should reconsider and start an account. You can network, exchange info, data and news with professionals having the same interests as you have and even you can grow your business by searching new partners, suppliers and customers.
Also you can join groups of professionals from the same industry as you and share with them on a daily or weekly basis the info you consider relevant.
This social network is also known for the effective HR fulfillments. You can post job inquirements to enlarge your stuff or employ people project based. Also if you are an independent contractor you can look for jobs or to offer your services to a worldwide base of potential clients.
The potential is global because I don't think there is a state in this world without at least a member registered.
The user with the mark 60 million is a dutch person from Groningen Area.
How can Mapquest help your business?

If you run a local business you want to be found easier by your potential customers. Map Quest is a service of AOL which focuses on local searches and it launched this year a new geosearch engine.
This new engine is very powerful and can be a great resource for any business acting on a local level. For example, if a user obtains a map of a hotel where will spend some time in the future will also look for entertainment in the area - restaurants, pubs, clubs.
To understand the importance of using such a tool for driving targeted traffic, it is used by 40 million unique monthly visitors this comparing with Bing which has 50 million users in the same timetable.
The new search engine provides to the users details like: business name, phone, url, working hours, user reviews, ratings and pictures.
Also companies may submit detail changes like the phone number, e-mail address, new addresses (of course!), url and contact person information.
As a market trend, all the major serach engines started to pay a special attention to the local searches because this is considered and extremely lucrative business line both by the search engines and advertisers.
Of course, having in mind the development of the internet where the online shopping rules you may consider that local search can be obsolete. But you are wrong. Think how important is to find the nearest dentist or notary for example!
This is not seen like a primary resource to drive traffic to a website but also can be taken in consideration as an additional and valuable resource. This is seen this way because usually the searches are made by people needing to solve a problem or to buy an item very fast.
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My 'Photo Reading' Experience
Photo reading is a special technique promoted by Learning Strategies, a corporation with headquarters in Minneapolis, US. It helps you to manage huge quantities of written documents quickly and effective . This technique changed for me for the rest of my life the way of reading.
If you have tons of articles, books, e-mails, website pages to read in a short amount of time and you can't keep track with the amount of information you have in hand, maybe this article can be of interest with you.
I did this training a few weeks back having in mind that I needed a rapid solution to upgrade myself with the speed of processing the huge amount of information that I have to read on a daily basis to be able to maintain my competitive advantages in business. What I can tell you is that this technique is ... amazing.
Imagine that you take a book of 300 pages and the steps are: prepare it (unfold the pages and enable the air to come through them), preview it (a few minutes), photoread it (at a speed of 1 page / sec.), postview it (around 15 minutes for this kind of book) and activate it, after 20 minutes, 24 hours or whenever you want. Depending of the level of depth you want to achieve with the book, the activation can take between 30 minutes and 1 - 2 hours or more.
Besides the Photo Reading technique you learn tips and tricks which will change forever the way you read or process information. Practically, when you photoread, the book goes as a file download in the unconscious mind and through activation it becomes available in the conscious mind. There isn't any hidden catch in this technique, it is just a new way of using the resources of the mind we all have at disposal. The biggest advantage, even bigger than the speed is the fact that you are able to retain much information than through usual reading and also you can understand better what's in there.
I believe that this period of crisis is a turn into this world's evolution and the best investment ever is to reinvent yourself. I don't believe in training yourself without a purpose but I believe in gaining new skills through training and start applying immediatly. The photo reading technique requires a certain mindset to be obtain for optimum results and I strictly recommend to do this training under specialized supervision.
Paul R. Scheele, co-founder of Learning Strategies guides people to achieve extraordinary results in relationships, work, money and health. He is the developer of programs such Photo reading, Natural Brilliance, Genius Code, Abundance for Life, the Paraliminals, any many other courses which enable attendants to boost personal and professional success. We, as regular human beings use by default 10% of our brain. Paul is one of the gifted persons which can teach how to manage the rest of 90%. His background starts with degrees in Biology and continues with Learning and Human Development, NLP (neuro-liguistic programming), accelerated learning, preconscious processing and universal energy. Paul's programs bring to the surface the vast potential of the mind to attain more success in life.
Photo Reading is one of the best selling courses in the US.
11 Ways to Promote Your Facebook Page to Get Great Results
A Facebook page will not only help you gain more traffic for your website, blog or both but will also gain more credibility for you and the brand you represent.
Basically, this social network has more that 400 million users and in average, everyone of them spends 55 per day connected. Also the average user has 130 friends and fans 2 pages per month. Also the Fan Box is becoming more pervasive. If you feel that the page you built to promote something like a product or an idea using this social network doesn't perform, don't delete it because there are ways to make it better!
A recent study by Sysomos conducted on 600,000 pages showed that 4% have more than 10,000 fans and 0.76% more than 100,000 fans. Also the study revealed a small correlation between how frequently the admin of the page updates the contant and total number of fans. This doesn't mean that an empty page will attract fans, so you have to do some work anyway. Besides Wall posts you have to add photos, videos, links and other content. Also be as informative as possible.
Such a page can be a very good asset for your online business if you do it and promote it properly.
Where can you promote it?
1. A link or badge on your website
2. Fan Box
3. Resource Box on articles/blog
4. Email newsletters
5. Include a link in your profile from other social networks
6. Google Buzz profile
7. Include it in your business card
8. Signage
9. Email Signatures
10. Adverstisements
11. Forum posts signature
Also please pay attention of your Facebook analytics and stats. Also observe the best pages in your domain and inspire yourself. But also be creative, don't just copy.
- Participate and make it routine
- Ask questions
- Host events on your page
- Highlight contributions from others
- Go beyond just text
- Integrate your other online presences
- Take it easy with apps, boxes, etc.
- Run offline events, if you can
One thing you want to do is pay attention to your Facebook analytics. Pay attention to stats. Pay attention to changes Facebook makes in this area. For example, recently it was discovered that some admins were starting to see impression counts for each post, as well as the number of likes and comments for each impression. Like Baer says, test content types to see what works best.
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